Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)

Samstag, 15. August 2020

12:00 Uhr, Open Air Wiese


Leo Genovese - Piano
Franz Hackl - Trompete


Leo Genovese

Leonardo Genovese was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina in 1979. After some years of studying classical piano at the National University of Rosario as well as private lessons in contemporary music, he moved to Boston in 2001. He started his career at Berklee College of Music where he studied with Danilo Perez, Joanne Brackeen and Frank Carlberg, among others. Leo graduated as a Professional Music Major in 2003 and has been constantly performing and recording with talented musicians such us Hal Crook, Darren Barrett, George Garzone, Francisco Mela, Joe Lovano, Bob Gulloti, Phil Grenadier, Dave Santoro, Chris Cheek, Michael Janisch and Ben Monder. In 2004, he released his first solo album entitled Haikus II signed by Spanish label Fresh Sound Records. He also performs regularly with the Esperanza Spalding Group, the Mike Tucker Quartet, Planet Safety (w/Bob Gullotti and Dave Zinno), Wayne Shorter Group and Jack Dejohnette.

While Genovese is still early on his career arc, he hopes that his music could eventually be more than just a source of entertainment, but also a force for change in a world that is troubled by economic, social and political challenges. "I would like it to go somewhere positive, somewhere helpful," he says. "I would like for people to really gain something worthwhile from it. There are so many people around the word in need. Most of us never realize it, because most of us have the basic necessities and much more. But some people - many people - have very little."

Franz Hackl

Wenn man etwas zum Lebensmittelpunkt macht, wie den Jazz, dann sollte man da hingehen, wo es am besten gespielt wird. Und wo es am meisten Konkurrenz gibt. Damit man sich die Midlife-Crisis erspart. Es gibt überall tolle Musiker. Aber diese Dichte an tollen Musikern gibt es in keiner anderen Stadt auf der Welt, speziell im Stadtteil Harlem. Dort werden so viele verschiedene Arten von Musik und anderen Kunstformen auf Weltklasseniveau gemacht. Ob es jetzt Jazz, Pop, Klassik, Rock oder Modern Dance Ballet ist - es gibt einfach alles. Da gibt's keine andere Stadt, die das qualitativ und quantitativ so breit abdeckt.
Ich bin acht Monate im Jahr in New York und arbeite vorwiegend dort. Auch mein Sohn geht dort zur Schule. Zwei Monate bin ich in Tirol und zwei Monate irgendwo auf Tour.

Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)
Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)
Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)
Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)
Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)
Leo Genovesee, Franz Hackl - Ode to Harlem (ARG, AUT)