Sonntag, 8. Juni 2014, ca. 13:00 Uhr
This highly explosive funk & jazz-rock trio, includes 3 of the most in demand musicians to ever come out of their respective countries.
Per Mathisen from Norway on upright and electric bass is exceptionally virtuoso on both instruments and a real funk master.
Ruggero Robin from Italy is the Italian guru of jazz guitar with an extreme sense of timing and feel.
Gergo Borlai from Hungary is the new European drum wizard who has grooves and techniques like a magician.
The three men have found their musical connection to a hundred percent degree and just love performing together. Later this year their first CD will be recorded for the wonderful Alessa Records and new plans for concerts and tours are in the making.
Per Mathisen, Ruggero Robin and Gergo Borlai have released close to 20 highly acclaimed CD’s in their own names and the numbers of world famous musicians and artists these 3 have performed and/or recorded with are countless. They have also, with different projects, bands and artists, played in as many as over 35 countries world wide.
A concert with “Mathisen - Robin - Borlai”, is not only a musical roller coaster, it’s a wonderful happening with a huge dose of humour, joy for playing in front of an audience and a celebration of life and music. In other words, music is life for these 3 men.