Belmondo Brotherhood Quintet


Sonntag 1. August 2021
20:00 Uhr, Open Air Wiese


Lionel Belmondo Tenor sax, soprano sax, flute
Stephane Belmondo trumpet, flugelhorn
Eric Legnini piano
Sylvain Romano bass
Tony Rabeson drums


Who does not know the Belmondo brothers? Stéphane, the trumpeter, flamboyant heir to Chet Baker and Freddie Hubbard, one of the great lyricists of his instrument, and one of the most esteemed on this side of the Atlantic. Lionel, the saxophonist who brought together the music of Lili Boulanger and Yusef Lateef, who united the Coltranian spirit with French liturgical traditions and carried the flame of jazz to the heart of the classical world. For more than a quarter of a century, these two exceptional musicians have led an impressive number of musical adventures, with the unconditional support of their group, which has always followed them in all their artistic explorations. Today, on the strength of their experience and faithful to their principles, the brothers give pride of place to the intrepid Belmondo Quintet by finding, on the piano, the magnificent Eric Legnini, whose elegance we no longer have to praise. nor the soulful spirit. A band in the form of all-stars, of flawless memory, of rare spiritual strength, jazz to the point of breath.

Belmondo Brotherhood Quintet
Belmondo Brotherhood Quintet
Belmondo Brotherhood Quintet
Belmondo Brotherhood Quintet